After graduating from Far Eastern Federal University in Vladivostok, Russia, Angélique moved to Graz, Austria. Here were questions about Future, wich brought her to Ortweinschule (Fine Art Photography und Multimedia Art), that she graduated 2022.


Her inspiration comes from the shapes of bodies, their lines and curves, nature as it is. The result of her work is a symbiosis of the two, so the viewer is left with room for fantasy, for emotion.


"It is possible to find beauty in absolutely everything around us, even in what initially seems awful. All we have to do is open our eyes and dive into our nature, our essence. Then everything will fall into place. This is what my art is all about: I look for something and find  things I've never noticed before in seemingly simple but wonderful things, and I share them with people."



- I'd be happy to create for you and with you!

Contact me via email ang.khaliman@gmail.com or Instagram.